HMG Debugger

[email protected]


Uruguay, September 2015

HMG Debugger is an embedded native GUI debugger in the HMG library that allows you to debug your source code of an application while your executable file is running. HMG debugger is invoked when compiled the application with the \/d option on the command line or with the option Project->Debug of the main menu of the IDE, eg.

Build.bat \/d <program.prg> | <project.hbp>

The debugger is activated automatically at startup the application.

The debugger provides you with certain features that make it easier to isolate and identify errors. Among these features are the ability to:

  • Trace source code line-by-line (single step mode)

  • Watch a variable as it is updated (watchpoint)

  • Monitor variables by storage class

  • Inspect work areas and set values

  • Change the value of a variable

  • Execute procedures and user-defined functions linked into you application

  • Stop program execution when a variable changes value (tracepoint)

  • Stop program execution at a line of code or when a function is called (breakpoint)

Note that Harbour allows you place more than one program statement on a single line separated by semicolon. For example:

lNewPage := (nLineNo > 55); ReportPage (lNewPage)

In this example, the debugger does not allow you to step through the first and second statements independently nor does it allow you to set a breakpoint at either statement. The entire line is treated as single entity. The code in the above example should be broken up into two lines, as follows:

lNewPage := (nLineNo > 55)

ReportPage (lNewPage)

This make the debugging easier and also makes the code more readable.

1) Global Hotkey:

CTRL+H: hotkeys help.

ALT+D: enable\/disable debugger while the application is running. When the debugger is disabled, all breakpoints and tracepoints are ignored.

ALT +\/-: increment\/decrement the transparency of windows debugger.

ALT+F9: sets window debugger TopMost\/Bottom.

ALT+M: release unused memory (leak memory).

F11: switches between ToolBar and Main Menu.

ALT+X: exit the program.

Hotkeys for debugger commands:

F3: Animate

F8: Step

F10: Trace

F5: Go

F7: To Cursor

Ctrl+F5: Next Routine

Ctrl+F3: Pause

F9: BreakPoint

2) Run Mode:

The debugger provides several different ways to execute a program, called execution program.

Animate: Runs line-by-line automatically with a delay that is specified in the Setting Tab.

Go: Is very fast, runs the application in the same manner as it would in Animate mode with the difference that not send information to debugger until one finds a Breakpoint or Tracepoint.

To Cursor: Runs application in the same manner as Go mode but until the code line of the current cursor position.

Next Routine: Runs application in the same manner as Go mode but until start the next activation (that is, procedure, function, code block, or message send).

Step: Runs application line-by-line, it allows you to execute one line of program code at a time.

Trace: Runs the application in the same manner as it would in Step mode with the difference that Trace mode does not display the code for functions and procedures called by the current program nor does it trace codeblocks back to their definition. In the Trace mode the debugger does not display the code for called routines.

3) Point Mode:

Breakpoint: A breakpoint is a line of program code or a function or procedure call that, when encountered, causes the debugger to stops the execution of the program. In other words, a breakpoint defines a physical breaking point in a program. To set a breakpoint in the current program, move the cursor to the appropriate line in the Source code Tab and press Breakpoint Toolbar Button, the selected line change the color. To define a function or procedure as a breakpoint use the following method in the Evaluate Tab: HMG_Debugger():BreakPointAddFunc(“MyFuncName”). For delete a breakpoint first move the cursor to the appropriate line in the Source code Tab and press Breakpoint Toolbar Button, when a breakpoint is deleted, the line of code returns to its normal color.

Tracepoint: A tracepoint is an expression whose current value is displayed in the Watch monitor. The value of each tracepoint is updated as your application executes; however, whenever its value changes, program execution stops and control passes to the debugger. In this respect, a tracepoint is similar to a breakpoint, e.g. Sales->SaleAmount >= 10

Watchpoint: A watchpoint is an expression whose current value is displayed in the Watch monitor. The value of each watchpoint is updated as your application executes, this allows you monitoring the value of a variable or expression, e.g. FOUND(). The difference between watchpoint and tracepoint, is that watchpoint not stops the execution of the program when its value changes.

4) Tabs:

About: display the logo of debugger and information about of the author.

Source code: In this monitor is displayed the source code of the application. The debugger searches for source code files in the current directory, if not found the debugger searches in the PATH system. Only after these locations are exhausted will an error message be displayed indicating that the file could not be found. Inside the Source code window there is a highlight bar with an arrow called the execution bar which is positioned on the line of code about to be executed. The execution bar moves as execution continues. When the Source code is active, the cursor (a highlight row) appears in the grid to indicate your current position in the file being viewed. The cursor can be moved up and down using the direction keys.

Stack: The call Stack monitor contains the list of all pending activations, including procedures, functions, code blocks, and messages sends. The current activation (the current proc. level) is always at the top of the call stack. If you press Return in the highlighted proc. level the Source code monitor reflect the correspondent line of code.

Watch: This monitor displayed the number, type, expression and value of each tracepoint and watchpoint. The tracepoints and watchpoints are distinguished using the abbreviations “tp” and “wp”. Tracepoints and watchpoints are created using Tracepoint and Watchpoint Toolbar Buttons respectively. To remove or edit a point definition press key Delete or Return respectively when the point is highlighted in the grid watch.

Evaluate: This monitor allows you view and\/or change the value of a variable (e.g. cMsg:= cMsg + “Hello”), evaluate an expression (e.g. EOF()==.F. .AND. nCount == 10), execute a function or procedure (e.g. ATAIL(aArray)) or create a new variable (e.g. __MVPUBLIC(“MyVarName”)).

Variables: This monitor lets you control the display of public, private, static, and local variables, press key Return for inspect the contents of array, hash or object selected. The name of highlighted variable is automatically copied into the Evaluate monitor for facilitate the view or edit the value.

Areas: The work Areas monitor allows you to view database and other work area information. This monitor is divided into two panes. The first pane display the alias name for each open database, information regarding the currently file highlighted shown in the other pane.

Setting: Each time the debugger is invoked, it automatically searches for a script file with the name Init.dbg. If a file by this name is located in the current directory the debugger executes it as script file. This Tab allows you to load and save script files and debugger settings.

By default, option Trace Code Blocks is on, if you switch off code block tracing is disabled. If trace code block is enabled, when a code block is evaluated when executing a program the debugger moves the execution bar to the line of code where the block was created. This allows you to see the contents of the block (which is unavailable during normal inspection), and occurs regardless of whether the block was declared in the current routine.

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