Functions of Connection Between HMG Controls and Bos Taurus

BT_HMGGetImage(cFormName, cControlName)

Returns the handle of the bitmap associated to an Image Control of HMG (@...IMAGE).

cFormName: is the name (e.g. "Win1") of the parent window.

cControlName: is the name (e.g. "Image1") of the image control.

BT_ HMGCloneImage(cFormName, cControlName)

Clones the bitmap associated to an Image Control of HMG (@...IMAGE) and returns a handle to the cloned bitmap.

cFormName: is the name (e.g. "Win1") of the parent window.

cControlName: is the name (e.g. "Image1") of the image control.

BT_HMGSetImage(cFormName, cControlName, hBitmap, lReleasePrevious)

Sets a specified bitmap into an Image Control of HMG (@...IMAGE) and automatically releases the handle of the bitmap previously associated to the Image Control.

cFormName: is the name (e.g. "Win1") of the parent window.

cControlName: is the name (e.g. "Image1") of the image control.

hBitmap: is a handle to the bitmap to set.

lReleasePrevious: releases of the hBitmap previous associate to Image Control. For default is .T.

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