HMG MakeShortcut

Make a file, folder or internet shortcut

Make a File or Folder shortcut (.lnk file):

MakeFDirShortCut (cTargetFileDir ,; // Full File or Folder name to be targeted
cShortCutTitle ,; // Short-cut (.lnk File) Name
cShortCutTTip ,; // Text to display when mouse over the short cut
cShortCutFolder ,; // Folder Name for short-cut (.lnk file ) Default is Desktop.
cIcon ,; // Icon for the shortcut
cShortCutWrkdir ) // Working Directory

Make Internet shortcut (.url file):

MakeInternetShortCut ( cTargetURL ,; // Internet address to be targeted
cShortCutTitle ,; // Short-cut (.url File) Name
cShortCutFolder ) // Folder Name for short-cut (.lnk file ) Default is Desktop.
  • Example:
MakeFDirShortCut ( 'c:\hmg.3.1.3' , 'HMG 3.1.3' , 'Go to HMG 3.1.3 base directory')
MakeInternetShortCut ( '' , 'HMG Forum' )


B.P Dave and B. Esgici <[email protected]>

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