Creates a browse control

Standard Syntax (xBase Style):

@ <nRow> ,<nCol>
 BROWSE <ControlName>
 [ OF | PARENT <ParentWindowName> ]
 WIDTH <nWidth>
 HEIGHT <nHeight>
 HEADERS <acHeaders>
 WIDTHS <anWidths>
 WORKAREA <WorkAreaName>
 FIELDS <acFields>
 [ VALUE <nValue> ]
 [ FONT <cFontname> SIZE <nFontsize> ]
 [ TOOLTIP <cToolTipText> ]
 [ DYNAMICBACKCOLOR <aDynamicBackColor> ]
 [ DYNAMICFORECOLOR <aDynamicBackColor> ]
 [ INPUTMASK <acInputMask> ]
 [ FORMAT <acFormat> ]
 [ INPUTITEMS <aInputItems> ]
 [ DISPLAYITEMS <aDisplayItems> ]
 [ BACKCOLOR <aBackColor> ]
 [ FONTCOLOR <aFontColor> ]
 [ ON GOTFOCUS <OnGotFocusProcedur> | <bBlock> ]
 [ ON CHANGE <OnChangeProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
 [ ON LOSTFOCUS <OnGotFocusProcedur> | <bBlock> ]
 [ [ ON DBLCLICK <OnDblClickProcedure> | <bBlock> ] | [ EDIT ] [ APPEND ] ]
 [ ON HEADCLICK <abBlock> ]
 [ WHEN <abBlock> ]
 [ VALID <abBlock> ]
 [ VALIDMESSAGES <acValidationMessages> ]
 [ READONLY <alReadOnlyFields> ]
 [ LOCK ]
 [ IMAGE <acImageNames> ]
 [ JUSTIFY <anJustifyValue> ]
 [ HELPID <nHelpId> ]
 [ BREAK ]
 [ HEADERIMAGES <acHeaderImages> ]

Alternate Syntax:

   PARENT <xcValue>
   ROW <nValue>
   COL <nValue>
   WIDTH <nValue>
   HEIGHT <nValue>
   HEADERS <acValue>
   WIDTHS <anValue>
   WORKAREA <xcValue>
   FIELDS <acValue>
   VALUE <nValue>
   FONTNAME <cValue>
   FONTSIZE <nValue>
   FONTBOLD <lValue>
   FONTITALIC <lValue>
   TOOLTIP <cValue>
   INPUTMASK <acValue> ]
   FORMAT <acValues> ]
   INPUTITEMS <aaValues
   DISPLAYITEMS <aaValues>
   BACKCOLOR <anValue>
   FONTCOLOR <anValues
   ONGOTFOCUS <ActionProcedure>
   ONCHANGE <ActionProcedure
   ONLOSTFOCUS <ActionProcedure
   ONDBLCLICK <ActionProcedure>
   ALLWEDIT <lvalue>
   ALLWEAPPEND <lvalue>
   ON HEADCLICK <abBlock>
   WHEN <abBlock>
   VALID <abBlock>
   READONLY <anValues>
   LOCK <lValue>
   LINES <lValue>
   IMAGE <acValue>
   JUSTIFY <anJustifyValue>
   VSCROLLBAR <lValue>
   HELPID <nValue>
   BREAK <lValue>


D: Available at control definition only R: Read-Only


  • OnGotFocus
  • OnChange
  • OnLostFocus
  • OnDblClick
  • OnHeadClick


  • Show
  • Hide
  • SetFocus
  • Refresh
  • Release


  • Value property selects a record by its number (RecNo())
  • Value property returns selected record number (recNo())
  • Browse control does not change the active work area
  • Browse control does not change the record pointer in any area (nor change selection when it changes) when SET BROWSESYNC is OFF (the default)
  • You can programatically refresh it using refresh method.
  • Variables called <MemVar>.<WorkAreaName>.<FieldName> are created for validation in browse editing window. You can use it in VALID array.
  • Using APPEND clause you can add records to table associated with WORKAREA clause. The hotkey to add records is Alt+A. Append Clause Can't Be Used With Fields Not Belonging To Browse WorkArea
  • Using DELETE clause allows to mark selected record for deletion pressing <Del> key
  • The leftmost column in a browse control must be left aligned.
  • When used in control definition, Header property must be loaded with a character array containing as elements as control columns.
  • SET BROWSESYNC: When is set to ON, BROWSE control will move the record pointer in its workarea according to user selection or value property programatic setting.
  • Setting 'Value' to reccount()+1 (EOF) will cause that browse windows get empty (no records will be showed).
  • Vscrollbar can't be used with splitbox child browse.
  • 'InputItems' property allows to control data input in the control. This property is an array (one element for each browse column). each element (if specified) must be a two dimensional array. The first column in the array must contain the data to be shown to the user. the second column must contain the data to be stored in the table (ID) for each text row in the array.
  • 'DisplayItems' property allows to control data display in the control. This property is an array (one element for each browse column). each element (if specified) must be a two dimensional array. the first column in the array must contain the text to be shown to the user. The second column must contain the ID for each array row. the array will be searched for a corresponding ID in the table to show the right text in each cell. If no correspondence is found, the cell will be blank.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""