HMG_TString Class

This class selects automatically the correct ANSI or Unicode string function depending of current code page, the use of this class create a more portable your code, and is useful for a defensive programming (minimization of input errors)


New() // Constructor
Chr( nCode ) // return string with nCode Unicode/ANSI character
Char( nCode ) // return string with nCode Unicode/ANSI character
Asc( cString ) // return Unicode/ANSI value of 1-st character (not byte) in given string
Code( cString ) // return Unicode/ANSI value of 1-st character (not byte) in given string
Len( cString ) // return string length in characters
ByteLen( cString ) // return string length in bytes
Peek( cString, n ) // return unicode value of <n>-th character in given string
Poke( cString, n, nVal ) // change <n>-th character in given string to unicode <nVal> one and return modified text
SubStr( cString, nStart, nCount )
Left( cString, nCount )
Right( cString, nCount )
At( cSubString, cString, nFrom, nTo )
Rat( cSearch, cTarget )
Stuff( cString, nStart, nDelete, cInsert )
LTrim( cString )
RTrim( cString )
AllTrim( cString )
StrTran( cString, cSearch, cReplace, nStart, nCount )
Replicate( cString, nCount )
Space( nCount )
StrToUTF8( cStr, cCPID )
UTF8ToStr( cUTF8Str, cCPID )
IsUTF8( cString )
EOL() // CR+LF
OsNewLine() // CR+LF
Lower( cString )
Upper( cString )
PadC( cString, nLength, cFillChar )
PadL( cString, nLength, cFillChar )
PadR( cString, nLength, cFillChar )
IsAlpha( cString )
IsDigit( cString )
IsLower( cString )
IsUpper( cString )
IsAlphaNumeric( cString ) // return (ISALPHA(c) .OR. ISDIGIT(c))
StrCmp( cString1, cString2, lCaseSensitive ) // return -1 (minor), 0 (equal) , +1 (great)


For default HMG create an instance of this class, to access this instance with pseudovariable oString, e.g.

oString:Len( cString )
oString:Upper( cString )
  • You create a new instance of this class with pseudofunction:
oMyStr := HMG_TStringNew() // this pseudofunction call the constructor method HMG_TString():New()

and use, e.g.

oMyStr:Len ( cString )
oMyStr:Upper( cString )

results matching ""

    No results matching ""