HMG GridPrint

Grid\/Array data Print interface

HMG GridPrint is an interface to HMG print facility to print the contents of a Grid control or Array along with some additional features.

For the Grid control it can be called by two ways, viz., method and command.

  • Method:


  • Command:
  • Grid Data

    PRINT GRID <cGridName> ;
       OF <cParentName> ;
       [ FONT <cFontName> ] ;
       [ SIZE <nFontSize> ] ;
       [ ORIENTATION <cOrientation> ] ;
       [ HEADERS <aHeaders> ] ;
       [ SHOWWINDOW ] ;
       [ MERGEHEADERS <aMergeHeaders> ] ;
       [ COLUMNSUM <aColumnSum> ] ;
       [ WIDTHS <aColumnWidths> ] ;
       [ PAPERSIZE <nPaperSize>] ;
       [ PAPERWIDTH <nPaperWidth>] ;
       [ PAPERHEIGHT <nPaperHeight>] ;
       [ VERTICALLINES ] ;
       [ LEFT <nLeft>] ;
       [ TOP <nTop>] ;
       [ RIGHT <nRight>] ;
       [ BOTTOM <nBottom>]
  • Array Data

  • PRINT ARRAY <aArrayData> ;
       [ FONT <cFontName> ] ;
       [ SIZE <nFontSize> ] ;
       [ ORIENTATION <cOrientation> ] ;
       [ HEADERS <aHeaders> ] ;
       [ SHOWWINDOW ] ;
       [ MERGEHEADERS <aMergeHeaders> ] ;
       [ COLUMNSUM <aColumnSum> ] ;
       [ ARRAYHEADERS <aArrayHeaders>] ;
       [ ARRAYJUSTIFY <aArrayJustify>] ;
       [ WIDTHS <aColumnWidths> ] ;
       [ PAPERSIZE <nPaperSize>] ;
       [ PAPERWIDTH <nPaperWidth>] ;
       [ PAPERHEIGHT <nPaperHeight>] ;
       [ VERTICALLINES ] ;
       [ LEFT <nLeft>] ;
       [ TOP <nTop>] ;
       [ RIGHT <nRight>] ;
       [ BOTTOM <nBottom>]

Parameters for these commands:

cGridName: Name of the grid control

cParentName: Name of the parent window of the grid control

cFontName: Name of the font as a character string

nFontSize: Size of the font in points

cOrientation: “P” for Portrait and “L” for Landscape

aHeaders: An array of strings for the custom headers for the report. (Maximum of three headers allowed)

ShowWindow: If omitted, the grid would be printed directly to the printer without showing the

GridPrint features window. Even though 'showwindow' is omitted, if the columns don't fit in

the page width, the GridPrint window will be shown.

aMergeHeaders: To merge two or more columns and have a common header. For using this feature,

a two dimensional array of details of merged headers shall be passed with each

element in the following format,

{{nStartCol1 , nEndCol1 , cMergedHeader1},{nStartCol2 , nEndCol2 , cMergedHeader2},...}

aColumnSum: Page-wise summation of some columns of the grid control can be achieved using this parameter.

A two dimensional array with number of elements equal to the number of columns,

in the following format,


shall be passed.

aColumnWidths: An array of column widths in mm.

nPaperSize: HMG Paper Description

nPaperWidth: Paper width in mm (only for custom paper size)

nPaperHeight: Paper height in mm (only for custom paper size)

VERTICALLINES: To draw column separator. Default is off.

HORIZONTALLINES: To draw row separator. Default is off.

nLeft: Left Margin in mm

nTop: Top Margin in mm

nRight: Right Margin in mm

nBottom: Bottom Margin in mm

  • Sample:
    PRINT GRID grid_1;
       OF form_1;
       FONT "Arial";
       SIZE 12;
       HEADERS {"Header1","Header2"} ;
       MERGEHEADERS mergedheaders ;
       COLUMNSUM summation ;
       WIDTHS {0,20,20,20,40} ;
       PAPERWIDTH 200 ;
       PAPERHEIGHT 200;
       LEFT 15;
       TOP 15;
       RIGHT 15;
       BOTTOM 15

GridPrint Window:

This window has many features to configure the report which are all self explanatory. They are listed here:

  • Selection of columns to report (You can remove a particular column of the grid in reporting)

    • The print size of the columns can be altered.

    • Headers and Footers can be added\/modified.

    • Page numbers are printed on each page. It can be printed either on top or bottom of the page. Or, if it is not needed that can be removed too.

  • Font size of the report can be changed.

  • Column wise, row wise grid lines can be printed\/removed.

  • Report can be vertically centered to look neatly.

  • Extra White space between the columns can be spread, so that the report is to fill the width of the paper excluding the margin.

  • Orientation of the report can be selected.

  • Printer can be selected from a list.

  • Standard page sizes or custom page size can be selected, so are the margins.

  • A blue print preview of the first page is shown before getting printed.


S. Rathinagiri <[email protected]>

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